A world-leading health research programme
Despite advances in health care, many people in the UK spend many years of their later life in poor health. With your help, Our Future Health aims to transform the prevention, detection & treatment of conditions such as dementia, cancer, heart disease & stroke. So future generations can live in good health for longer.
The research programme’s mission is to create one of the most detailed pictures we’ve ever had of people’s health by building a community of five million volunteers from across the UK.
Researchers will be able to use this information to discover more effective ways of tackling diseases.
By taking part you'll have the chance to get information about your own health, including a blood pressure test.
Our Future Health is being supported by Boots to allow people to join the research programme. You may have been contacted because you’re a Boots customer in a region where Our Future Health is inviting people to take part, or you may have seen a poster in a Boots store.
By taking part in Our Future Health, you will be helping to create a world-leading resource for health research. Our Future Health may also contact you in future to offer you information about your health arising from the research.
Getting involved
Millions of people over the age of 18 will be invited from all over the UK to take part in this programme. To take part you will need to:
Your data will be stored securely and will only be used to understand disease and improve health. Nothing else.
Join volunteers across the UK who are ready to make a difference.
It only takes a few minutes to get started.
FAQs & more information
We know that some people may want to know more before signing up. So we have a dedicated section that will hopefully answer your questions.
Our Future Health will store and manage your data securely and to the highest industry and professional standards, in compliance with data protection laws.
Full details of where and how your data will be stored can be found here. All information collected about you will be encrypted and stored securely.
Identifiable data (such as your name and date of birth) will be stored securely and separately.
In the future, Our Future Health might get in touch to ask if you would like to receive personal information arising from your samples or data. You’ll be able to have your questions answered before deciding yes or no.
Researchers can apply to access Our Future Health for two kinds of research:
• Research that only uses the data and samples collected by Our Future Health
• Research that involves re-contacting Our Future Health volunteers
With Our Future Health, researchers will be able to analyse data that will help them to identify more effective ways of tackling diseases. It may hold the key to huge numbers of discoveries, such as:
• New ways to detect diseases much earlier than is currently possible
• New ways to predict with better accuracy who is at higher risk of diseases
• More targeted or personalised treatments
Our Future Health will never give your contact details to researchers without your permission.
Boots has been supporting the nation's health for the past 170 years, from development of products and medicines, to easy access to treatments and advice. We are working with Our Future Health as we believe they are best placed to get the most accurate picture of the people's health in the hopes of changing it for the better. Boots will be providing access in certain stores, for participants to book appointments to take part in this study, as well as conducting the health measurements, and taking samples.