Boots has joined forces with Uber Eats to give you delivery on demand. Order a range of our health and beauty products and get them delivered to your door. Why leave the house when you're feeling under the weather or a little peckish when you can rely on us to deliver a little pick-me-up directly to you. We want to make your life easier and are here to help where ever we can! 

Open the app

Open the Uber Eats app, or download it from the App Store or Google Play. You'll need to be registered with an account.

Locate a store

Set your location & search for a 'Boots' store, or locate an available store via this link.

Place your order

Choose from over 900 items, including toiletries, beauty, cold & flu remedies & much more. Click 'Go to checkout' & place your order.


Tracking will be available in-app, & your order should arrive within as little as 20 minutes*.

Need help with your order? Uber Eats has a helpful support page with a list of common issues customers run into.

*Average delivery based on a sample of 77,000 grocery and convenience deliveries in the UK with an average Courier Partner delivery time of 10 minutes over the period 01/01 2020-01/03 2021. Note average Courier Partner Delivery time is defined as from when the Courier Partner has started the delivery trip having picked up the order from the store. Actual delivery time may vary. Check the Uber Eats app for store opening times.