Get the most out of your summer with our guide to sun-sational wellness

As summer approaches, it’s time to embrace the outdoors and soak up the weather. During the excitement of beach trips, barbeques and exploring, it can be easy to let our healthy habits take a backseat. From hayfever to sunburn and pesky insect bites, here’s your ultimate guide to wellness this summer.

Fighting the fever

First things first, let’s tackle the pesky pollen problem. For many people, summer brings the dreaded onslaught of hayfever symptoms. Sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose can put a damper on outdoor activities. But fear not, there are options available to ease your discomfort. From soothing eye drops to nasal sprays and tablets, we’ve got products to help keep those symptoms at bay. Take a look at our hayfever page for advice and services to help you manage hayfever. Don’t let hayfever hold you back from enjoying the sunny days ahead.

There are many hayfever symptom relief products available to buy from a pharmacy. Alternatively, you may wish to access Boots Hayfever Treatment service* for advice and, if appropriate,  treatment to help relieve your symptoms if you suffer from hayfever or have a year-round allergy.

Staying safe in the sun

Next up, let’s talk sun safety. While enjoying the sun can feel delightful, it’s important to practice good sun safety to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and sunburn. Choose broad spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (SPF30 or above) and don’t forget to reapply regularly, especially after swimming or if you are sweating. We’ve got you covered from dawn till dusk with our top tips:

• Always use five-star UVA rated sun protection with at least SPF30

• Cover up by wearing a hat and long sleeves

• Wear UV blocking sunglasses to protect your eyes

• Don’t forget to protect your lips, tops of your ears, back of neck, feet and scalp

• Limit your time in the sun and stay in the shade when the sun is strongest – in the UK, this is between 11am and 3pm

• Reapply your sunscreen every two hours (or as often as the sunscreen product advises) or more regularly if you are swimming

It’s also important to protect moles from sun exposure. If you’re worried about a mole or unusual mark on your body, and you’re over the age of 18, you can have an assessment through the Mole Scanning service.** It’s provided by our partners ScreenCancer at selected Boots pharmacies. They can’t provide a diagnosis of skin cancer, but they can analyse any moles or pigmented lesions and help identify anything that might be suspicious and need further investigation from your GP.

Prioritise sun safety to ensure a summer filled with fun, not sunburn.

Bug bite battles

Outdoor adventures in the UK often come with unwanted encounters with insects. Whether it's mosquito bites or bee stings, having the right solutions on hand is key. We’ve put together a guide of our tips for treating insect bites and stings at home and when to seek medical help if needed. It’s normal to have some itching or pain if you’ve been bitten or stung, but in some cases, a bite or sting can cause an allergic reaction or infection.

If your bite or sting gets infected, you might have:

• Skin redness (this might be harder to see on black or brown skin)

• Pain or tenderness

• Swelling of the skin

• Heat from the skin (it might feel hot to the touch)

Remember, if a bite or sting becomes infected, a pharmacist can offer advice and treatment. This may include prescription treatment for people over the age of one when it’s appropriate, through the Pharmacy First*** scheme, available in England. Don't let pesky bugs ruin your summer adventures.

Be a hydration hero

During the summer heat, it's easy to become dehydrated which can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Make it a priority to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If you struggle drink enough water, check out our tips for staying hydrated, making sure that you’re ready for whatever summer throws your way.

Have period peace of mind

Planning a summer getaway or attending a special event? If your period is due to clash with your plans, you may want to consider delaying your period, not your plans. Boots Online Doctor have a Period Delay service* offers access to advice and, if appropriate, treatment so you can postpone your period – not your festivals, holidays, weddings or whatever you have planned.

Stay prepared

No summer adventure is complete without a well-stocked first aid kit. Be prepared for any bumps, scrapes or minor injuries with our selection of first aid products. From bandages to antiseptic wipes, you can put together a kit to help you be prepared  wherever your summer travels take you. If you’re unsure on what to include, we’ve put together some tips on what to consider including in your travel first aid basics kit

As you gear up for a summer filled with adventures and relaxation, remember to prioritise your health and wellbeing every step of the way. With our guide in hand, you can make sure that you're equipped with the advice to tackle some of the challenges that may come your way. Here's to a summer of fun, sun, and great health.

* Treatment is subject to an online consultation with a clinician to assess suitability. Subject to availability. Charges apply.

**The Boots Mole Scanning Service is run by ScreenCancer. In selected Boots pharmacies. Subject to pharmacist availability. Charges apply and the fee that you pay for this service is paid to ScreenCancer.

***Supply of treatment is subject to a suitability assessment. In most stores in England only. Subject to availability and store opening hours. Charges may apply.