We know that quitting smoking is one of the most challenging things you may face, but it’s worth it. We’ve put together 10 top tips to help you keep in control of your cravings, manage your stress and stay positive whilst on your journey to a smoke free life.

Tip 1: Plan your quit journey

Quitting smoking isn’t an easy task. Create a plan that works for you to help you reach your goal.

First, set a date! Choose a date to quit smoking and stick with it. It’s a great way to mentally prepare to stop smoking. Think about whether you want to quit completely or gradually and find the right product for you with the Nicorette® product selector and budget calculator, a great way to find the right product and calculate how much you may save by giving up smoking.

Tip 2: Remember why you decided to quit

Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop smoking and put it somewhere you’ll see it. When you feel like you want to give up and smoke, remind yourself of why you’re doing this and keep going!

Tip 3: Identify what makes you crave a cigarette

Strengthen your willpower by limiting or skipping triggers you commonly associate with smoking. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, resist it by keeping busy. Nicorette® QuickMist mouthspray helps start to relieve cravings in 30 seconds and can help in these moments. Cravings usually last five to 10 minutes so make a list of things to do in that time. For example, walk around the block, call a friend, tidy your desk or catch up on the news.

Tip 4: Quit with a friend

Partner with a friend who also wants to quit. That way, you can keep each other motivated and you’ll know you’re not in it alone.

Tip 5: Think Positive

At times you may want to pack it all in and have another cigarette. When this happens, take a moment to think of all the positives that come with being smoke-free. You could have more energy, a better sense of taste and smell, healthier-looking skin, whiter teeth and many more health benefits.

Tip 6: Strengthen your willpower

Contrary to popular belief willpower is not something we are born with. Rather a complex mind-body response that can be compromised by stress, sleep deprivation and poor nutrition. Boost your willpower by following these practises.

1. Get a good night’s sleep
2. Eat healthy food
3. Drink more water
4. Exercise regularly

Tip 7: Get rid of smoking reminders

Throw away ashtrays, cigarette lighters and anything else that might tempt you to smoke. And if you’re at a loss at what to do with your hands use a stress ball! Now that you’re on your quit journey it’s worthwhile to switch things up and get rid of reminders to help avoid your triggers.

Tip 8: Be kind to yourself

You’d comfort a friend in pain – treat yourself with the same compassion! Kindness is a better motivator than guilt. Instead of telling yourself you’ll never smoke again, take a smaller step and say you won’t smoke for the next half hour and stick to it. The focus on the next small step. You can do it.

Tip 9: Learn to manage stress

Some people think that smoking helps deal with stress when in fact, smoking causes stress through creating a spike in your heart rate and blood pressure, which appears to relax but all you are getting is a brief hit from dopamine, then the up-and-down pattern starts again. There are plenty of things which you can do to deal with stress such as focussing on the here and now, doing things you enjoy and getting active.

Tip 10: Share your goals

An incredible journey doesn’t have to be just about quitting. Other areas can also contribute to your happiness. Share your goals among family and friends, stick together and encourage each other. When trying to quit it’s helpful to be around people who support your decision to quit.


Nicorette® contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label. UK-NI-2100128