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Boots Online Clinics Patient Guide

Aims and objectives

The Independent Medical Agency aims to provide convenient access to healthcare through the provision of safe and effective health services.

These services are offered by the Independent Medical Agency in partnership with local pharmacy and on the internet.  The online services and development of pharmacy-based services are registered with the Care Quality Commission and aim to deliver very high standards of care. A range of specialised services are available to you and our trained healthcare professionals deliver these.

Whether online or in our pharmacies, your consultation will carefully ensure your suitability for the clinical services chosen. We will provide information about your condition, the treatment options and what our service provides.

Our charges will be displayed and communicated in a clear and open manner. Your medicines will be supplied by a local Boots pharmacy, or, for some services, you may opt to have them delivered by secure mail from one of our online pharmacies.

Regulation & Registered Provider

The Independent Medical Agency’s registered address is: 1 Thane Road, Nottingham, NG2 3AA and is regulated by:

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 and associated legislation. (Service Provider ID: 1-4070329224)

Registered Manager & staff of the Independent Medical Agency

The Registered Manager is responsible for the day to day running of the IMA. The clinical staff of the agency are all UK registered and licensed healthcare professionals. You can write to any of the staff of the IMA at the Nottingham registered address shown.

Processing your data

We collect and process your personal data to enable us to give you the best and most appropriate care and advice. It is also our responsibility (legally) to collect your data to ensure the service we provide is appropriate for you. That’s one of the reasons why we inform your family Doctor of any treatment that you have through the Agency. For this reason, we’ll write to your Doctor informing them of any treatment you receive. Or, for certain services, we’ll advise you to inform your Doctor so they have a complete record of your care. This is important both for your safety and the continuity of care that you receive.

For more information about how Boots processes your personal data please see our privacy policy or contact:

Audit, feedback & Patient Survey

Like all quality healthcare providers, the Independent Medical Agency is committed to maintaining and improving standards of care and services through clinical audit. However, no personal, identifiable data is released or disclosed as a consequence of clinical audit activity.

The Independent Medical Agency encourages patients to give feedback on the service and quality of care they’ve received from the Agency. This feedback is sought through a patient survey using an online questionnaire or directly by email to

View a summary report of our patient survey.

Patients accessing online services are sent an email invitation to complete a survey. Patients accessing a service provided in a community pharmacy are provided with a link to an online patient survey.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions for using services provided by the Independent Medical Agency will be communicated to patients at the time of accessing the service.


We want you to be happy with the service we provide. We aim to deliver very high standards of customer care and welcome your feedback. If you feel we haven't delivered the quality of service you expected or you're not satisfied with your care, you may wish to complain. Please make any complaint initially to the pharmacist who provided your service or medicine, or to Boots Customer Care by telephone: 0345 0708090 (between the hours of 8.30am and 7pm Monday to Friday and 8.45am and 5pm Saturday and Sunday - local rate; calls may be recorded for training purposes)

We’ll make every effort to resolve your concerns immediately. If this isn't possible, we'll acknowledge your complaint within two working days unless we expect to be able to fully address the issue or concern satisfactorily within five working days. We'll carry out an investigation into your complaint, confirm our findings with you and try to agree a solution. We aim to achieve a satisfactory outcome within 20 working days. If, for any reason, we can’t achieve this, we'll write to you again informing you of this and the reason why. When we've completed the investigation and reached a satisfactory solution with you, we'll confirm this to you within five working days. A full response will detail the complaint, the outcome of the investigation and the steps taken as a result of the investigation.

If you prefer to make your complaint to someone who has not directly been involved in the service you’ve accessed or you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can write to:

The IMA Complaints Manager

D90 East FO8
1 Thane Rd



The Independent Medical Agency is regulated by:

CQC (Care Quality Commission)



Newcastle Upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 616161



Click here to access The Independent Medical Agency’s most recent CQC inspection report.

Aims and objectives

The Independent Medical Agency aims to provide convenient access to healthcare through the provision of safe and effective health services.

These services are offered by the Independent Medical Agency in partnership with local pharmacy and on the internet.  The online services and development of pharmacy-based services are registered with The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority and aim to deliver very high standards of care. A range of specialised services are available to you and our trained healthcare professionals deliver these.

Whether online or in our pharmacies, your consultation will carefully ensure your suitability for the clinical services chosen. We will provide information about your condition, the treatment options and what our service provides.

Our charges will be displayed and communicated in a clear and open manner. Your medicines will be supplied by a local Boots pharmacy, or, for some services, you may opt to have them delivered by secure mail from one of our online pharmacies.

Regulation & Registered Provider

The Independent Medical Agency is registered under the ownership of Boots UK Limited, 1 Thane Road, Nottingham, NG2 3AA and is regulated by:

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA), under The Health and Personal Social Services (Quality Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (Code number of registration 12131).

Registered Manager & staff of the Independent Medical Agency

The Registered Manager is responsible for the day to day running of the IMA. The clinical staff of the agency are all UK registered and licensed healthcare professionals. You can write to any of the staff of the IMA at the Nottingham registered address shown.

Processing your data

We collect and process your personal data to enable us to give you the best and most appropriate care and advice. It is also our responsibility (legally) to collect your data to ensure the service we provide is appropriate for you. That’s one of the reasons why we inform your family Doctor of any treatment that you have through the Agency. For this reason, we’ll write to your Doctor informing them of any treatment you receive. Or, for certain services, we’ll advise you to inform your Doctor so they have a complete record of your care. This is important both for your safety and the continuity of care that you receive.

For more information about how Boots processes your personal data please see our privacy policy or contact

Audit, feedback & Patient Survey

Like all quality healthcare providers, the Independent Medical Agency is committed to maintaining and improving standards of care and services through clinical audit. However, no personal, identifiable data is released or disclosed as a consequence of clinical audit activity.

The Independent Medical Agency encourages patients to give feedback on the service and quality of care they’ve received from the Agency. This feedback is sought through a patient survey using an online questionnaire or directly by email to

View a summary report of our patient survey.

Patients accessing online services are sent an email invitation to complete a survey. Patients accessing a service provided in a community pharmacy are provided with a link to an online patient survey.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions for using services provided by the Independent Medical Agency will be communicated to patients at the time of accessing the service.


We want you to be happy with the service we provide. We aim to deliver very high standards of customer care and welcome your feedback. If you feel we haven't delivered the quality of service you expected or you're not satisfied with your care, you may wish to complain. Please make any complaint initially to the pharmacist who provided your service or medicine, or to Boots Customer Care by telephone: 0345 0708090 (between the hours of 8.30am and 7pm Monday to Friday and 8.45am and 5pm Saturday and Sunday - local rate; calls may be recorded for training purposes)

We’ll make every effort to resolve your concerns immediately. If this isn't possible, we'll acknowledge your complaint within two working days unless we expect to be able to fully address the issue or concern satisfactorily within five working days. We'll carry out an investigation into your complaint, confirm our findings with you and try to agree a solution. We aim to achieve a satisfactory outcome within 20 working days. If, for any reason, we can’t achieve this, we'll write to you again informing you of this and the reason why. When we've completed the investigation and reached a satisfactory solution with you, we'll confirm this to you within five working days. A full response will detail the complaint, the outcome of the investigation and the steps taken as a result of the investigation.

If you prefer to make your complaint to someone who has not directly been involved in the service you’ve accessed or you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can write to:

The IMA Complaints Manager

D90 East FO8
1 Thane Rd



The Independent Medical Agency is regulated by:

RQIA (The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority)
9th Floor Riverside Tower
5 Lanyon Place

Tel: 02890517500



Click here to access The Independent Medical Agency’s most recent RQIA inspection report.

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) regulates Boots UK Limited to provide care for patients in Northern Ireland. See our latest RQIA inspection report.

The Independent Medical Agency (IMA) manage the prescribing of the prescription-only medicines through our online clinics.