Experience our Women’s Pleasure Serum for more intense & frequent orgasms

Your pleasure. Never a privilege. Always a priority.

Crafted by scientists. Vella Women’s Pleasure Serum works deep beyond the skin and relaxes your vaginal and clitoral smooth muscle tissue.*

The result – more frequent, intense, and satisfying orgasms. For women at everyage and life stage.*

No offence to good lube, but our serum is a lot more

"The product is incredible, I notice a huge difference, as does my husband!" - Jessica

How to use

1. Apply just three pumps to your inner labia and clitoris and external area outside the vagina

2. Wait 15-25 minutes

3. Enjoy solo… or together

4. Effects will last up to 2 hours

"Vella gives me next level pleasure. A real game changer. Every woman owes it to herself to try." - Olivia

CBD is big – VELLA does it well

Our nano-encapsulated pure CBD is delivered into the tissues where it works to relax the smooth muscle. Enabling a direct delivery of our serum deep beyond your skin, encouraging your arousal and orgasm exactly where it’s meant to happen.* Our CBD formulation does not cause highs like THC.

"Vella helps me experience a new level or pleasure, with or without a partner. Love it!" -Julia††

Find out more

We’re scientists and wellness experts, creating better, more empowered sex lives for everybody. At Vella, sexual wellness is a must-have and a must-do.

More to come…

Our ultimate vision is to revolutionise & elevate sexual wellness for all


*Demonstrated a pharmacologic, dose proportional response to CBD. Demonstrated a physiologic response to Vella with vaginal blood flow studies. Replicated FDA development programs utilizing at-home data by using a questionnaire derived from the gold-standard Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire that explores domains of desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction. To request any additional information please email

†Testimonial provided to Vella from UK customer.

††Testimonial provided to Vella from US customer.