Enjoy peace-of-mind protection with our selection of sprays, creams & roll-ons

With brighter days ahead, our thoughts quickly turn to sun-filled plans – we’re talking picnics in the park, days at the beach and family holidays. So now’s the perfect time to think about sun protection for your little one.

We know there’s a lot out there, which can make it tricky to know which ones will go the distance. So we’ve put together an edit of our top picks to help you prepare.

What to look for in sun protection for children

When it comes to finding a sunscreen for your child, you want to ensure you’re getting the best protection possible. Boots sun care expert, Clare O’Connor explains how “Young children are a lot more vulnerable to sunburn than adults.” And while adult sunscreens offer the same level of protection as children’s sunscreens, they’re often formulated with sensitive skin in mind and increased water and wear resistance. This is because children tend to have more contact play and spend a large amount of time playing in and out of the water.

Not sure which SPF is best for your little one? It’s important to look for the following things:

• A high SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30, but ideally factor 50

• A broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays

• A water-resistant formula

Babies who are less than six months old should be kept out of direct sunlight. Older babies should also be kept out of the sun as much as possible. However, if you’re going outside for any length of time and you’re worried, it’s best to apply a baby or child-friendly sunscreen to any areas that aren’t protected by light, loose clothing.

How often should I reapply my child’s sunscreen?

It’s recommended to reapply your child’s sunscreen every two hours. This especially applies after swimming, sweating or towelling off, regardless of if the sunscreen is labelled as ‘water-resistant’. This is to ensure maximum protection.

Clare advises “Applying sunscreen liberally before your child is fully dressed and allow it to dry for five minutes before getting them dressed. Then reapply as soon as you get to your destination to ensure nothing has rubbed off on the way or there are no missed bits.”

Our sun safety tips

We’re all for a bit of fun in the sun, so long as you’re smart about it. “Whilst using sunscreen is key to protecting the skin of babies and children, it should only form part of a safe sun routine,” says Clare.

When it comes to giving your child the best possible protection, we’ve put together the following tips to give you a helping hand.

Reapply, reapply, reapply

As we mentioned above, try to do this every two hours to ensure your child is protected from the sun’s strong UV rays throughout the day.

Be generous with the amount of sunscreen you apply

It’s important to ensure you’ve got enough skin coverage, as applying a layer too thin means reduced protection. Generally, adults need around six to eight teaspoons worth of sunscreen, so use a quarter to one half of this depending on your child’s age. For example, a full body application may fill the palm of a toddler’s hand.

Limit sun exposure during peak times

Try to keep your child in the shade as much as possible between 11am and 3pm from March to October.

Cover them up with suitable clothing

We know for some children, the last thing they want to be wearing in the heat is long sleeved tops, especially if they have their own opinion on what they want to wear. Clare’s top tip? “You can minimise exposed skin by wearing sun protective suits and always ensure they’re wearing a wide brimmed hat that protects the face, head and back of the neck.” And let’s not forget about the sunglasses either, “Children’s eyes are really vulnerable to UV damage, so ensure the eyes are protected by children’s sunglasses – if they’ll keep them on!” says Clare.

Don’t forget to protect areas not covered by clothing

The ears, nose, lips, tops of feet and backs of hands can all be easily missed so make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen on these areas. You can do this with a sunscreen stick which is easy to apply and provides a little bit of fun for your child, too.

Boots edit: the best sunscreens for children

If you’re looking for a sunscreen to protect your child through the summer and beyond, we’ve handpicked our favourites – from easy-to-apply sunscreens and high UVA protection to water-resistant and sensitive formulas – there’s a sunscreen for every occasion.

Shop more children and baby sunscreens in our full range.

Best for water-resistant protection

Try: Soltan Kids Once Suncare Roll On SPF50+

• Size: 50ml

• Up to eight hours of sun protection

• Water-resistant for up to three hours

• Five-star UVA protection

• UVB very high SPF

• Suitable for sensitive skin

• Dermatologically tested

From paddling and swimming pools to splashing in the sea, keep kids protected with Soltan’s most advanced formula. This easy-to-apply sunscreen provides up to eight hours of sun protection, including three hours in the water from just one application.* Plus, the compact roll-on means it’s great for carrying and applying on the go.

Best for playful kids

Try: Soltan Kids Once 8hr Protect & Play Lotion SPF50+

• Size: 200ml

• Up to eight hours of sun protection

• Five-star UVA protection

• Dermatologically tested

• Protects in water

• Vegan formula**

“Children love being in and out of the water and having contact play with others which drives the need for a hard-working sun protection product that can easily withstand this,” says Clare. This long-wear lotion from Soltan contains a unique antioxidant complex of vitamin C and E while offering enhanced rub and water resistance, as well as maximum five-star UVA protection.

Best for babies

Babies who are less than six months old should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Try: Childs Farm SPF 50+ Sun Cream Fragrance-Free

• Size: 200ml
• Suitable for six months plus

• Highly effective UVA and UVB protection

• Dermatologist and paediatrician-approved

• Suitable for all skin types

With a gentle and fragrance-free formulation for delicate, sensitive skin, this sunscreen lotion from Childs Farm offers very high SPF50+ protection against UVB rays and very high protection against UVA and sun damage. The water-resistant and fast-absorbing formula is available in either 100ml or 200ml, making it perfect for on-the-go or a family summer getaway.

Best for sensitive skin

Try: Garnier Ambre Solaire Kids Sensitive Advanced Sun Protection Lotion SPF 50+

• Size: 200ml

• Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive

• Five-star UVA protection

• Hypoallergenic

• Water-resistant

• Resistant to salt, chlorine, sweat and sand

Developed specifically for children’s sensitive, sun intolerant skin, this sunscreen is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free to minimise allergy risk. The kind-to-skin sunscreen can be applied to both the face and body, and its non-sticky, water-resistant formula means it glides seamlessly onto skin, offering maximum five-star UVA protection without irritation.

Best for those who can’t keep still

Try: Childs Farm SPF 50+ Spray Sunscreen Fragrance-Free

• Size: 100ml
• Highly effective UVA and UVB protection

• Fragrance-free

• Suitable from six months plus

Got a wriggly child who’s eager to go and play? If the sandcastles can’t wait, this spray sunscreen might just be your saviour. Created with delicate children’s skin in mind, this handy spray sunscreen is perfect for protecting children against UVA and UBV rays while making it super easy to apply. Plus, its quick absorbency, instant protection and water resistance make it a beach bag essential.

Try: Childs Farm SPF 50+ Roll-On Sunscreen Fragrance-Free

• Size: 50ml

• Highly effective UVA and UVB protection

• Fragrance-free

• Suitable from six months plus

• Roll-on format

• Absorbs quickly

If your child makes applying sunscreen feel like a battle, Clare advises “Making a game out of it by placing some in the palm of your hand (about a teaspoon size for children’s limbs), dot across the surface evenly and join the dots.” To make it a little easier, this SPF50, water-resistant roll-on is great for quick application, UVA and UVB protection, as well as being small enough to pop in your bag – from beach days and playing at the park to sunny days at school, this one’s a winner.

Best for eczema prone skin

Try: Soltan Kids Sensitive & Sun Allergy Protect Lotion SPF50+

• Size: 200ml
• Suitable for sensitive skin and those prone to eczema

• Free from colour and fragrance

• Dermatologically tested

• Vegan**

If your little one has highly sensitive skin or is prone to eczema or allergies, this sensitive sunscreen from Soltan is just the pick. With the highest UVA five-star protection to shield skin from UVA rays and a high SPF to protect from UVB rays, this light, fast absorbing and water-resistant formula protects against sun allergies and sun-induced damage while nourishing skin with vitamin C and E.

Now, ready for some fun in the sun?

*Providing you follow the instructions.

**Contains no animal-derived ingredients or by-products.